Aerial Night Signs
LED Flying Aerial Night Signs provide an innovative way to target nighttime advertising opportunities, beginning just half an hour after sunset. With a 36’ to 45’ wingspan, your LED Flying Night Sign scrolls beneath an aircraft, flying directly over your location to reach a captive night crowd.
Get ready to make a WOW impact every time! With only 6 of these aircraft in the U.S., our exclusive service ensures that your message will stand out in the sky.
Advertise your website, concert, nightclub, radio station, sports event, or even share a personal message like a marriage proposal, Happy Birthday announcement, election notice, or school function.

Benefits of LED Night Advertising
- For LED Aerial Night Signs advertising, 300 computer-controlled lights are mounted under the wings of the airplane.
- Attention-grabbing digital animations such as exploding stars, UFOs, winking eyes, flashing hearts, cars/trucks, flying airplanes and digital logos can be added.
- LED Night Advertising is a computer-controlled electronic sign displaying messages by flashing or scrolling through your specific text, making, your message highly dynamic and easily modifiable.
- LED Night Advertising is a computer-controlled electronic sign displaying messages by flashing or scrolling through your specific text, making, your message highly dynamic and easily modifiable.
- Once airborne, the entire message automatically scrolls beneath the wingspan for maximum effectiveness.
Watch Your Advertising Message Go Viral
LED Digital Night Flying Advertising commands attention, action and excellent recall. It’s available to fly anytime a half an hour after sunset. LED Night sign can go anywhere and can provide exclusivity in any market. Your audience will watch and video this very unique form of advertising. Watch for it to appear on a variety of social media platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
An LED Flying Night Sign is attention-getting marketing approach. Some of our most popular markets for this night sign advertising include:
Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco
Relocation is available. These signs are targeted and movable over any populated dense area.